Incienso de Santa Fe - Incense of the West
Natural wood incense from Incienso de Santa Fe. 40 count.
Piñon —
Piñon smells like winter in Northern New Mexico. Fires burning in each home, smoke drifting lazily out the chimneys while the snow glistens crisply in the shadows. Piñon is our original fragrance and remains our most popular. It is best described as the smell of a campfire or hearth fire. It has a smooth Southwestern aroma and has a distinctive fragrance that is unlike other pines. Piñon trees also produce a nut that is a local treat. Our Piñon incense is all natural and does not have any added fragrance.
Juniper —
Juniper has best been described as the perfume of the dessert. The fragrance is similar to cedar mixed with gin and may smell like either or both depending on the species. The juniper tree grows throughout the world but the western variety is found along the Rocky Mountains from Mexico to Canada. In many different Native American beliefs the Juniper is associated with protection.
Mesquite —
Mesquite is a fragrance for anyone who grew up in the southwest. The smoke from Mesquite is a favorite for flavoring barbecued meats. Mesquite is a pungent but sweet fragrance. The tree itself thrives in the often inhospitable Southwest desert. The Mesquite berries are sweet and our incense is like sitting around an old fashioned cowboy campfire.
Cedar —
Cedar is one of the most popular fire-woods in the US. The scent is musky and pleasant and for many is reminiscent of the holidays. The fragrance of the Cedar comes from the oil of the Cedar wood. Cedar also has amazing cleansing properties and is used to purify a new home or purge a space of unpleasantness. Cedar is also used in the practice of smudging.
Incienso de Santa Fe - Incense of the West
Natural wood incense from Incienso de Santa Fe. 40 count.
Piñon —
Piñon smells like winter in Northern New Mexico. Fires burning in each home, smoke drifting lazily out the chimneys while the snow glistens crisply in the shadows. Piñon is our original fragrance and remains our most popular. It is best described as the smell of a campfire or hearth fire. It has a smooth Southwestern aroma and has a distinctive fragrance that is unlike other pines. Piñon trees also produce a nut that is a local treat. Our Piñon incense is all natural and does not have any added fragrance.
Juniper —
Juniper has best been described as the perfume of the dessert. The fragrance is similar to cedar mixed with gin and may smell like either or both depending on the species. The juniper tree grows throughout the world but the western variety is found along the Rocky Mountains from Mexico to Canada. In many different Native American beliefs the Juniper is associated with protection.
Mesquite —
Mesquite is a fragrance for anyone who grew up in the southwest. The smoke from Mesquite is a favorite for flavoring barbecued meats. Mesquite is a pungent but sweet fragrance. The tree itself thrives in the often inhospitable Southwest desert. The Mesquite berries are sweet and our incense is like sitting around an old fashioned cowboy campfire.
Cedar —
Cedar is one of the most popular fire-woods in the US. The scent is musky and pleasant and for many is reminiscent of the holidays. The fragrance of the Cedar comes from the oil of the Cedar wood. Cedar also has amazing cleansing properties and is used to purify a new home or purge a space of unpleasantness. Cedar is also used in the practice of smudging.